
Goat Cost Assessment  (Cost to raise a goat)    Print and keep this outline,  it will help you calculate what it takes to bring a kid to a point were it can be sold.    There are no dollar figures in the illustration since everyone cost are will be slightly different.    Each person can establish a value for each line item.

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$ ______  Nanny   (maintain a  Nanny &  Buck  to produce a Kid)

$ ______  Predator Protection - expenses -

$ ______  Five month gestation -  Possible live birth  – risk of Doe loss in Kidding

$ ______  Parasite Control - Expenses - Wormer  for Buck, Nanny and kids

$ ______  Hoof trimming – labor – semi annual + Labor expenses

$ ______  Record Keeping – Labor expenses, Parasite control, Breedings etc.

$ ______  Daily Grain & Feeding - Grain & Labor expenses

Grain:   Pick up, deliver and storage + Labor expense

$ ______  Winter Hay expenses

$ ______  Pasture - (seed,  fertilizer and Labor)

$ ______  Fencing up keep

$ ______  Clean and Maintain Shelters + Labor expenses

$ ______  Vet. & Medical Supplies – Swat, Neosporin etc.

$ ______  Feeding equipment, Buckets, Heat lamps etc.

$ ______  Clean water supply - Plumbing Maintenance

$  _______  Total

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